More Favorite Things: Bread, Brownie Mix, Tea and Dog Treats

I have been buying the Kodiak pancake mix for a couple of years, so GOOD and so good for you too! I used the excuse of a visit from my baby boy to make the brownies. OMGoodness, such chewy goodness!! AND wholegrain.

Dave’s Killer Bread is, well, killer bread.

The Raw Green Bush Tea, Orange Red Carrot, by Republic of Tea is smooth and delicious. I love to start my day with it, even before I have a cup of coffee. It just makes me happy.

“If you could taste sunshine, it just might taste like this,” it says on the website. I believe it.

Buddy the WonderDog will do ANYTHING for a Sweet Potato Chew.

JessieDog favors the Fruitables … a lot. A LOT lot.

It has rained every day for most of the day for almost two weeks solid. There are rumors flying around, saying that we may see the sun on Friday, or maybe even Thursday.

I’ll believe it when I see it.

I spotted this little Rufous Hummingbird in the tree outside my mom’s breakfast room on Sunday. Isn’t he a stunner!

“If we could see the miracle of a single flower, our whole life would change.” ~The Buddha

~ by Kimberly Mason on April 5, 2011.

6 Responses to “More Favorite Things: Bread, Brownie Mix, Tea and Dog Treats”

  1. It all looks yummy – even the dog treats!

  2. What a cute hummingbird! I want a brownie – it’s one of my favorite foods 🙂

  3. Great shot of the rufous hummingbird!! Our hummers should be returning here on the east coast in late April (we only have 1 species here: ruby-throated). Hope you get to see the sun soon– we haven’t had much of a spring here either. Enjoy all your treats– it’s the little things that can make a day!

  4. Yummy treats! I’ll have to look for them in the market. Love, love, love the picture of the rufous hummer! He would be another checkmark on my lifelist!! But, I’ll have to be happy with the black-chinned. Have a great day, karen

    • The rufous are as common as dirt around here, I’d keel over in delight seeing the black-chinned! It’s funny, a guy 5 miles down the road has killdeer near him and I was going crazy wanting to know where and when I could see one, he laughed, they’re as common as dirt to him. 😛

      I’m just happy we take such joy from what we see around us. I read two more chapters from the book you sent me last night. It is making such a difference in my life! I have a crusade in mind, now that I am the new Outdoors writer for the local daily. I call it: Go Outside! 😀

      (You can always tell how full of emotion I am, just count the number of emoticons I use!)


  5. Will have to try the tea. I could use some sunshine on this dark, dreary and insanely rainy day.

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