Friday Night Sew-In (I need it!)

It’s time for the Friday Night Sew-In and I’m SO in! I need this excuse reason to schedule a time to sit down and sew!

Friday is also my oldest son Stosh’s birthday, what a perfect opportunity to work on his Delectable Mountains quilt!

Hit the link and go sign up. I’ll meet you there, in the cyber-space sewing room. You’ll know me by my hot pink bathrobe and my etched-flames wine glass. I think I’ll pick up a bottle of “Badass Blackberry” from the Wells Winery at the new Veggies store in Chehalis (next to Sunbirds).

~ by Kimberly Mason on April 13, 2011.

2 Responses to “Friday Night Sew-In (I need it!)”

  1. Happy birthday, Stosh!

  2. Happy Birthday to Stosh! Hope you have lots of creative energy come Friday night!!

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