Look What I Did!!!

I went into Sister’s today and look what I brought home, “Central Park” by Moda. Wheeee! I bought the pattern, the jelly roll, a charm pack (just cuz) and some yardage for backing and extras and while I paid for the fabric, the inspiring company was free. (On Sundays “Sisters” should be called “Mothers & Daughters,” cuz that’s who is working the counter.)

Isn’t it beautiful!?!? (Okay, so the picture could be better, but can you tell I’m excited?)

I have been eying this fabric line for a couple of weeks now, but when I found out it was called “Central Park” I HAD to get it! I’m getting ready to buy a ticket for New York for a little visit and I’ve been a bit scared about it. Now I have my Central Park quilt to lend me courage.

Today piecing and sandwiching, tomorrow quilting. Yay!!

BTW, I haven’t been blogging here, but I have been photo blogging elsewhere at The (Almost) Daily Bird.

~ by Kimberly Mason on May 29, 2011.

6 Responses to “Look What I Did!!!”

  1. Very cute

  2. Well Woo Hoo and Mountain Dew, Lookie, lookie at YOU!

    Sew great that someone got something done today!!!

  3. I love pattern and the fabric!! So bright and cheerful! Hurray for you for being productive!! I visited your photo blog as well and signed on as a follower. :0)
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  4. Very pretty! Heading out east? Make a side trip to Eastern PA! You are always welcome at “My Little Nest B&B”. The food is excellent, the wine is wet, the mattress is firm, the owner is delightful (!) and best of all, is free!

  5. Beautiful! So glad that you’re back in the studio and creating such lovely eye candy for the rest of us!

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