Quilts of Valor, Sugar n’ Spice & a New Quest

Linda and I had a good day at the Sugar n’ Spice quilt shop in Morton yesterday. She had plenty of customers, I pin basted a quilt to get it ready for quilting:


And no, I won’t let you see any more of the quilt until I’m finished quilting it.

Linda and I spent the rest of the day brainstorming ideas and I showed her my latest obsession, travel tissue holders:


~ by Kimberly Mason on November 6, 2009.

5 Responses to “Quilts of Valor, Sugar n’ Spice & a New Quest”

  1. Well, now, those tissue cozies are right cute. Am thinking to propose a trade of a finished product plus written instructions — tissue cozies for journal covers, my current obsession. Like either of us needs one more thing to do . . . . . But what do you think?

  2. Quick question. Do you ever use the quilting spray adhesive?

    • Hmmmm, not so quick answer.

      Yes, I use it. No, not always for what it was made to be used for. And no, certainly not for large quilts because even if I HAD a large enough area to lay out a large quilt to spray baste it together, I would not want to assault my lungs with that much spray at one time, AND that spray gets EVERYWHERE (think about your hairspray and how you find it one the cabinet door, the floor, even on the inside of the shower).

      When I use the spray it is usually for a small project or to glue a piecing template on a piece of paper to the folder file to cut out, and even then I spray outside and in a two foot deep box.

      Why do you ask?

  3. Yes, durn it. The spray does get everywhere. In the cul-de-sac or well, kitchen floor, which prompts a good mop. The fumes are a booger, too.

    I don’t like the humps I get when I pin baste. I quilt then get these humps or the fold over. I go slow, Kim. I think happy little thoughts, but alas, alas, there they are. Then, because I am an excellent unsewer and cusser, I pull out Ole Trusty, the blue seam ripper, and watch for children to enter the room.

    When you quilted for example the Merry Christmas Round About, how did you not get humps in it? I blew that photo up BIG to see better, too. I got nothing.

    For Christmas, maybe I should ask for that plane ticket to Washington state and pack long underwear. Got any classes in January? Big smiles.

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