Well, Now that That’s Over…

21buddyswildrideThe campaign, the election, the inauguration – it’s all been a thrilling ride, full of excitement. We have a new president, a new start and a renewed hope and belief in a new and better tomorrow. New, new NEW! It’s a party!

“There is more to life than increasing its speed.”Gandhi

But in all the excitement it’s important to remember that we still have a job to do. The Real Work is yet ahead and it’s time to renew our commitment to making this world a better place.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. -M.K. Gandhi

If you are reading this, you probably have a warm bed in a safe place and you know where your next meal is coming from. If you are reading this, you probably don’t have to worry about whether the warm bed in the safe place and the satisfying meal will be there tomorrow. And if you are reading this, you can probably provide hope and help for someone in need of a warm bed in a safe place and a satisfying meal.

“There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread”Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

We cannot sit back and watch the change as we sat back to watch the Inauguration on television. We must “BE the change [we] want to see in the world.” (M.K.G.)

Today, not tomorrow, not next week or next month, TODAY, take a moment to think about what you can do to “be the change” and then do it. Just Do It. (I think Nike quoted Gandhi.)

“What do I think of Western civilization? I think it would be a very good idea. -Mahatma Gandhi

To President Obama: obamaMay God bless you with Truth. May He bless us with Understanding. May He be for you, for your family and for all of us the very Center of our Focus, the Purpose in our Vision and the Guide to our Actions. And when you call us to war against poverty, violence and injustice, may you hear a resounding “Yes we can” from every citizen in every corner of this country. So be it!

~ by Kimberly Mason on January 21, 2009.

4 Responses to “Well, Now that That’s Over…”

  1. This is a difficult subject for many of us to think about. A call to service can take on many forms. Listen carefully for the call. I know I will be listening.

  2. Have you ever seen this Gandhi quote? Sorry — it’s very off topic, but still speaks a bit to the subject…

    “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Gandhi

    Perhaps we all need to put on the mind of Christ…

  3. Listen for the call, put on the mind of Christ and BE NICE!

    I don’t think the Gandhi quote is off topic…I was just too chicken to throw it into the mix, maybe that’s because it was just too close to home for comfort. The other day I was guilty of the sin of judging a new Christian acquaintance as being closed-minded and judgmental – how’s THAT for irony!?!

  4. Irony happens. Extreme is another word. President wise, we have gone from one extreme to another and I like that change so very very much. Obama is calling us to fight a war, too, but an entirely different kind of war than that chosen by our former president who chose that bloody route for himself and dragged us along for the ride. The saying, “If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance. Baffle them with Bullshit” comes to mind when I think of the past eight years. Now we will hear the depth of the Bush Betrayal, it’s already beginning to seep from the pages of history. It’s uglier than we believed. So thank you President Obama, for taking on the mess we have before us. I wish all of us much luck and the ability to persevere as we feel our way through the maze to recovery.

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